Official Vessel of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Ernestina Logbook Page

Date: Friday, July 13, 2001

New London Sailfest

Today was the official kickoff of the New London Sailfest.  There were three other ships in town with us, the Amistad, Providence, and Quinnipiack.  Gathering of ships is a good time to catch up with old friends.  Many of our crew had friends working on the other ships, or had friends and family coming down to visit and see the ship, along with hundreds of others.  We spent the day greeting both strangers and familair friends, sharing the history of the ship and talking about the different programs we do currently.  The Sailfest Volunteers were a big help with crowd control and handing out Yankee Magazines!

Captain: Willi Bank
Program Coordinator: Crista Mellican

We would like to thank Lotus and IBM for donation of software, hardware and funding to enable regular electronic updates from the ship.

NOAA Chart is provided courtesy of Maptech using Cruising Navigator 4.3 and grabbing the image using Grabit Pro 6.02.

Click on a month to view the complete schedule:
| April | May | June | July | August | September | October |November |

Copyright 1997-2001
Schooner Ernestina
89 North Water Street, P.O. Box 2010, New Bedford, MA 02741-2010
phone 508.992.4900 -- fax 508.984.7719

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